Thursday, June 11, 2009

Firefighter 1 Boot Camp - July 6-17, 2009 - IS FULL

Registration for the Firefighter 1 Boot Camp course from July 6-17, 2009 (8am-4pm) at the Training & Operations Center is FULL and closed. We received more than 50 applications but unfortunately cannot accommodate everyone. Thank you to everyone who responded and demonstrated an interest in participating.
  • A reminder to those students who are indicated as confirmed on the roster for Course#1S09004 which can be viewed at:
    Confirmed students must attend the mandatory orientation along with a chief or training officer on Monday-June 15th at 7pm at the Training & Operations Center.
  • A $50 student fee is required, due at the mandatory orientation. This covers beverages, fruit, Boot Camp and Graduation T-shirts and other supplies. This may be paid by check or cash. Please make checks payable to James McCullough.
  • Please share and review the attached Student Packet with your chief and address all points outlined as appropriate.